e-ISSN 1302-7476

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
International Archives of Dental Sciences serves as the scientific dissemination platform for the Ege University Faculty of Dentistry. The journal is designated with the abbreviation IADS. It publishes original empirical research, case reports, comprehensive reviews, correspondence to the editor, and critiques of books pertinent to the field of dentistry, available in English. The primary audience for this journal encompasses professionals within the dental domain, including researchers, practicing dentists, dental educators, and students pursuing education in dentistry.

1. Ethical Procedures
All participants engaged in a scientific investigation (including authors, editors, referees, publishers, and readers) endeavor to advance scientific knowledge through ethical practices. The observance of established ethical principles is critically significant in scientific inquiries aimed at achieving this objective. These ethical tenets have been embraced by our journal in alignment with the guidelines formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
This journal adheres to the policy of complying with the principles of the “Declaration of Helsinki” in all research endeavors that involve human subjects. In instances where such investigations are conducted, authors are mandated to declare in the "Materials and Methods" section of their manuscript that they have executed the study in accordance with the aforementioned principles, that they have secured ethical committee approval (including the name of the committee, date, and reference number), and that they have obtained informed consent from all study participants. Moreover, the requisite ethics committee approval must be submitted electronically alongside the manuscript. Approval from the ethics committee is obligatory for all types of research (inclusive of survey studies and the utilization of extracted human teeth) undertaken in this journal employing materials and data gathered from human subjects.
In the context of case presentations, it is imperative that an informed consent form is procured from patients, regardless of the patients' identities.
The onus lies with the authors to ensure the confidentiality of the patients involved in the study or case report is preserved. Should photographs have the potential to disclose the identities of the patients, the necessary publication approval must be detailed in the Materials and Methods section. Additionally, the signed consent of the patient or their legal representative must be submitted online with the article.
In studies that involve animal subjects, authors are required to specify in the Materials and Methods section of the article that they comply with the principles outlined in the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” and that they have obtained approval from the local ethics committee pertaining to animal experimentation. Furthermore, the ethics committee's approval must be submitted in conjunction with the manuscript.
In circumstances where the manuscript includes either a direct or indirect commercial association or references a financial supporting institution for the research, it is incumbent upon the authors to duly notify the editor on the presentation/note page regarding the absence of any commercial affiliations with the product, pharmaceutical, corporation, or other relevant entity under consideration. This disclosure should encompass the specifics of the relationship, including whether the author serves as a consultant or holds other contractual agreements with the entity in question.

2. Publication Ethics
The Journal of International Archives of Dental Sciences operates as a national and international, scientific, open access, and peer-reviewed academic publication. The ownership of the publication rights for all articles disseminated in this journal resides with the Editorial Board of the  Journal of International Archives of Dental Sciences. Manuscripts submitted to our journal must not be concurrently under evaluation by any other journal. Manuscripts must not have been disseminated in any other language prior to submission. The viewpoints and findings articulated within the journal are attributable to the author(s).
Submitted manuscripts undergo an initial evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief and/or the Editor. Articles deemed inappropriate concerning content or quality will be dismissed at this juncture. Should the manuscript exhibit adequate content and quality, it will subsequently enter a double-blind peer review process. Reviewers may either endorse the manuscript as is, suggest minor or substantial revisions, or reject the manuscript entirely. Our journal reserves the authority to solicit the files pertinent to the analytical outcomes from the authors in accordance with the feedback provided by the editor and/or the reviewers.
If it is found that the data used in the article has been manipulated or fabricated, the institution where the author of the article works will be officially notified and the article will be rejected. Although the average review time is 6 weeks, this may be extended due to delays in the review process. If the article is accepted, a letter of acceptance is sent to the author. The manuscript will be returned to the author within 3 days for final review before printing.

3. Publication Frequency
The Journal of International Archives of Dental Sciences is published three times a year, with three issues making up one volume. The order of publication is determined by the date of acceptance of the articles.

4. Open access policy
The Journal of International Archives of Dental Sciences, considering that information should be easily accessible in order to advance scientific studies and to accumulate and transfer scientific data into the future, offers all articles published in the journal free of charge in an environment where anyone can read, use and download them. In the aforementioned statement, open access is used in the sense that "scientific literature can be accessed, read, stored, copied, printed, scanned, linked to full text, indexed, transferred to software as data, and used for any lawful purpose over the Internet, without financial, legal, or technical barriers. The role of information sharing in the development of science, drawing on resources from around the world, is very important. To this end, Open Access is of great importance to researchers and readers. For this reason, articles in this journal can be used as long as the author and the original source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or publishers. Articles in this journal are accessible through search engines, websites, blogs and other digital platforms.

5. Editors' responsibility
The responsibility for determining the suitability of articles submitted to the journal for publication rests with the Editor-in-Chief and the Section Editors, who act collectively in this capacity. Manuscripts are evaluated in an impartial and transparent manner, without regard to the authors' gender, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnic and geographical origin, or political opinions. The decision to publish will be based on the accuracy of the content and its relevance to the journal, originality, clarity, the validity of the study, and the suitability of the article for the journal as a whole. Editors are bound by a duty of objective and impartial conduct in the performance of their duties.
Editors are responsible for taking the necessary steps to avoid any potential conflicts of interest that may arise. In the event of an ethical breach being alleged, the appropriate action should be taken in accordance with the relevant rules and procedures of the journal.
It is the duty of editors and all employees of the journal to refrain from disclosing any information contained in submitted manuscripts to any individual or entity other than the corresponding author, reviewers, referees, potential reviewers, other editorial consultants, and the publisher.

6. The Responsibilities Of Referees
It includes the timely examination of articles in an objective and transparent manner, thereby contributing to the editors' decision-making and editing processes. It is the responsibility of the referees to focus on evaluating only those works that relate to their area of expertise. In evaluating these works, objective arguments should be employed, and considerations such as religion, language, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, and political opinions should not influence the decision-making process.
While reviewing articles to be published, referees should provide guidance that enhances the quality of the work and aligns with the journal standards and scientific ethical practices. They should communicate their feedback to authors in a constructive and respectful manner.
All reviewed articles and studies must be treated as confidential documents. It is the responsibility of reviewers to safeguard the confidentiality of information provided by editors and authors. In accordance with the principle of confidentiality, reviewers must refrain from disclosing the reviewed work or the evaluation process. Failure to adhere to these rules may impede the ability to evaluate the work in an appropriate manner, potentially leading to a breach of the blind review process.
It is the responsibility of the reviewer to decline to evaluate articles that involve competitive, collaborative, or other relationships that create conflicts of interest with authors, institutions, or companies related to the works being evaluated.  The reviewers could identify instances where portions of the content in the works being examined have been quoted from other published works without proper citation in the reference section. Furthermore, reviewers are obliged to inform the editor of any significant similarities between the reviewed manuscript and other published articles.

7. Duties of Authors
An author is defined as an individual who has made an intellectual contribution to the work in question. All individuals who have made intellectual contributions to the research must be included in the list of authors in the manuscript. Any contributions that do not qualify for authorship should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section of the article.
It is the responsibility of the authors to present the data from their work in an accurate manner to the journal. It is imperative that the data presented in the research and the article be consistent with one another. The data should be presented in sufficient detail and with appropriate references. The authors are responsible to fully disclose any institutions, individuals, or organizations that provided support for their work.
In studies involving human and animal subjects, authors are required to adhere to the ethical guidelines set forth by the relevant professional bodies and to obtain the necessary permissions before conducting their research.
Authors are prohibited from utilizing fictitious data. It is unethical to misrepresent unused devices or data as having been utilized in the study.
Furthermore, it is unethical for authors to divide the results of their research in a manner that undermines the integrity of the investigation and use them in different studies.
Individuals who did not actively contribute to the study should not be included as authors. The order of authors should not be changed without valid justification.
Editors may request that authors provide the raw data for their review. If feasible, authors should be prepared to make this data publicly available. It is the responsibility of the authors to retain the data for a minimum of ten years following publication, ensuring that it is accessible when required.
The remaining responsibilities of authors are as follows:

7.1 Corrections and Retraction:
The articles published by the The Journal of International Archives of Dental Sciences represent the definitive version of the text in question. In instances where an error is identified, requests for correction or retraction are subject to review by the journal's editorial board and evaluation in accordance with the guidelines set forth by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
In the event that the identified errors in the published article do not significantly impact the findings, a correction will be made in the subsequent issue. Errors may be classified into two categories: those made by the author, which are designated as "erratum," and those made by the publisher, which are designated as "corrigendum." The pages for the erratum and the corrigendum will be indicated and included in the journal's table of contents, with references to the original article.
In the event that an error is deemed to be of sufficient consequence to impact the findings of the article or to involve ethical violations, the editor and/or the author may elect to retract the article. In such an instance, a retraction notice will be published in the subsequent issue, with the article title included in the table of contents.
A retraction notice must provide a comprehensive explanation for the retraction and include the term "retracted" on each page of the article in question.

7.2 Editorial Concern Statement:
In the event that an editor has concerns regarding the content of a published article and believes that readers may be misled by the information presented, an editorial concern statement may be published.

7.3 Plagiarism Control:
Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of another person's original data or works as one's own, without appropriate attribution. This can occur knowingly or unknowingly. Such actions are considered unethical and unacceptable. In the event that the publication board suspects plagiarism, the matter will be evaluated in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Additionally, the similarity detection report will be included with the article in question.

7.4 Objection:
In the event that an article is rejected following an evaluation by the editors and the publication board, the author may submit an appeal. In their appeal documents, authors should provide a detailed response to the editor's comments, outlining the reasons for their appeal. Should an author wish to appeal a decision, they are invited to submit the relevant documentation to the email address of the Journal of International Archives of Dental Sciences. Please be advised that the evaluation results may be delayed, as priority is given to new manuscript submissions.
It is also possible for an article to be removed from the database. In instances where the article in question constitutes defamation, an infringement of another's legal rights, or presents a significant health hazard, the article may be removed from the database. In such instances, the article title and author names will be retained on the website, and a notification will be issued indicating that the article has been removed for legal reasons.

8. A conflict of interest
It is defined as a situation in which the professional judgment of an individual is influenced by secondary interests, such as financial gain or personal rivalry, in a way that compromises their ability to act in the best interest of a primary interest, such as patient health or research validity. For authors of articles, this can occur—often unknowingly—when they have financial interests that may affect their interpretation of their own or others' results. Other categories of conflicts of interest include those of an academic nature, personal relationships, political and religious beliefs, and institutional memberships.
In order to make the most appropriate decision regarding the handling of a manuscript, it is essential to be aware of the competing interests of the authors. Furthermore, if the article is published, it is vital that the readers are also informed of these conflicts. Accordingly, all authors are obliged to submit a statement disclosing any financial or other significant conflicts of interest that could potentially influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. The mere existence of a conflict of interest does not preclude the possibility of publishing an article. All sources of financial support for the project must be disclosed and reported to the editorial board of this journal. The editorial board is responsible for the review of these situations, with the objective of ensuring the continued impartiality of the process.

9. Copyright
The works submitted to our journal for publication must be original works that have not been published elsewhere. Authors must declare that the works they submit have not been published on any other platform. It is the responsibility of each author submitting a work to complete the Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form related to this matter. Authors will be held accountable for any copyright violations and sanctions identified by our editors and editorial board during their review.
Authors are permitted to utilize their published works in their own research, provided that they cite the work in an appropriate manner. Additionally, they may host the work on their personal websites or in their university's open archive, provided that they do not sell it.
In the event that authors wish to utilize supplementary images, tables, or other components of a published article, they are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder. In the event of a violation of this rule, the author will be held accountable for any resulting penalties.

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